
02 March 2011

A host, a collaboration and a marriage

Have a few new news items to share.

First off Tokio's Yamaguchi Tatsuya will be a host on the new ZIP program (the replacement program for Zoom In!! Super) on NTV. It hasn't been announced which day(s) Yamaguchi will be on the program yet though.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

Next up is some good news for V6 fans. The group will be collaborating with artists Takahashi Taku and groups REVOLUTIONS on a track for the soundtrack of the upcoming SP movie. The film stars V6's Okada Junichi and the track with V6 is only going to be released as a download on Recochoku.

Music Japan article. (English)

Then the last but not least, FiVe member Nakaegawa Rikiya has announced that he's getting married. Johnny himself gave him the okay for the marriage and it's reported that fellow Johnny's such as, Tackey & Tsubasa and Shibutani Subaru are listed as witnesses on his marriage registration.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

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