
16 March 2011

Johnny's supporting the relief effort

Sorry for not updating for a few days. I've been very busy and unfortunately sick on top of that. But honestly there really hasn't been much to report as the recent disaster in Japan is in the forefront of everything as it's understandably much more important than keeping up with celebrity news.

As with times like these the level of generosity from those in the country and internationally is at its greatest and Johnny's has announced what its doing for now to help with the relief effort. The agency has announced that they have canceled all their concerts and shows for the rest of the month so that the equipment they would have used for them for transport and extra power can be used to support the relief effort.

Tokyohive article.


Jackie said...

I´m really happy about Johnny´s way of help!!
But personally I think it´s not only because of the help why they cancelled all concerts, but also.. how can the artists perform while other people are suffering and in need of help? Also, I think that most fans are not in the mood of going to a concert, there are so many problems going on now in Japan.
JE made a good decision but the poor fans and artists, who were so much looking forward to the con.
But I wonder if they will be already performing in April again? I wouldn´t be surprised if there will be many cancellations as well. I guess it depends on the situation in Japan and how it develops.
I hope for the best for Japan and continue to pray for all people !

Kismy said...

I´m pround of Johnnys !

I´m really worried about all that disaster and I ask myself how long it will take until Johnnys can work as before?
if the worst thing in Fukushima happens ( which I don´t want to happen !!) what´s going to become of Japan?
I love Kis-my-ft2 and was so much looking forward to their debut and Kis-my themselves of course too, and I get worried if in about 2 months, Japan will recover or not, so they can debut.
I kind of have the feeling as if Japan will take longer time to recover which I can understand because these horrible happenings are just too bad .
I really feel so bad for all the people there...

Anonymous said...

Will they continue releasing magazines like potato , wink up , duet etc ? And there is also Takizawa Kabuki in April...
I guess the whole entertainment business will be affected for a longer time.

The videos on TV really make my heart feel so heavy.
I pray for the people´s safety .

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jackie

I'm sure there were a variety of reasons for the concerts cancellation. But I think it's good that Johnny's decided to at least use the supplies that they had ready to help those who needed it.

I'm sure they will have make-up concerts or do something for the fans that had to miss concerts and shows.

Well I think most are assuming that by April things should have calmed down enough to be able to return to normal schedules. Only the future will tell how right they are.

@ Kismy

I think if the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan have shown anything is that the Japanese people will find a way to continue on. But I also hope that the Fukushima nuclear plants avoid meltdowns as things are bad enough as it is.

From what I've heard from people in Japan it's really the Touhou region that is affected from everything. Most of the other regions are overall just fine and are just doing whatever they can to help with the relief efforts. So I don't think there are going to be many delays outside of this month for things when it comes to releases and concerts.

@ Anonymous

There may be delays but as most magazines are based out of Tokyo I think it'll be fine. Tokyo at worst was just shaken up by the earthquake, the worst of the damage hit a good deal north of it. In fact I think that all delays that are occurring are only for things being released in March it looks like most are expected to go back on track by next month.

I pray for them too. Especially as things aren't completely over yet for them.