
01 March 2011

Johnny's net updates of note

There have been two updates over at Johnny's net (though one is technically just for the TakiCHANnel page) that are rather major for the site.

The first is that finally on the profile pages for the artists section of the website there are pictures. And they're not the type that have been run through an image filter either but clear photos for everyone. For the groups there is a groups photo and then an individual photo next to the profile information for each member while the solo artists just get the one individual photo next to their profile information.

I can't help but think this should make things much easier for new fans to be able to match faces with names, especially as it looks like the photos are all from the latest release from everyone.

The next update to note is over on the TakiCHANnel page. Now at the bottom of the main page there is a BACK NUMBER section. This section has all the past episodes of TakiCHANnel from the first one on so if you've missed an episode for any reason you can now go back and watch it.

I'm really glad for this because there are episodes I want to go back and re-watch and now I'm glad I can.


Ani2 said...

Wow, that´s great ! Thank you for sharing those news !
So good that they added that profile page on J-Net. Especially the profiles of Kat-tun, News, Takki/Tsubasa and Arashi are nice. But I don´t like the photos of HSJ, they seem kind of unnatural. Those boys are so young and handsome , they have plenty of other awesome shoots . Oh well...
Also too bad there are no profiles for the Juniors, but I guess it would be too much since there are too many Juniors.

Anonymous said...

I´m glad about those added videos on Takki-Channel. I missed many episodes sadly, so to be able to watch all´s awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info!