
19 March 2011

Johnny's aide

Johnny's is continuing there support of the relief effort in Japan the best way they can. Not only have they donated trucks but they plan on cutting the amount of power they use for their concerts down to 10% of what the normally use to help conserve energy. And they are in the planning stages for a charity single.

Takizawa Hideaki, Imai Tsubasa and Nakayama Yuma have even gone so far to have gone with the trucks to personally check out what the situation is in the area.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

Reading news like this makes me so proud to be a Johnny's fan. I'm glad they have figured out a way to continue the concerts while conserving energy. Continuing the concerts will surely help raise spirits for their fans.

Can't say I'm surprised to learn they're planning a charity single as with the Kobe earthquake back in 1995 they did quite a bit of that. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back J-Friends for this and I hope they include as many Johnnys as possible as I'm sure they all want to do their best to help.

And the last bit just chokes me up. It amazes me that they would do that, especially Yuma since he's still so young. I am so proud to be his fan right now.

EDIT: Tokyo Graph has updated their article and it seems like they made a translation error. Tackey, Tsubasa and Yuma did not go with the trucks but rather help loaded them up with the supplies. Thinking about it that makes more sense as I had been wondering how a minor like Yuma would be able to go to a disaster area.

I'm still proud of them to take the time out to help like that. I've helped load trucks before for various reasons and it's not the easiest of work if there is a lot to pack.


Anonymous said...

Johnnys are so cool ! Other agencies are "only" donating money but JE really tries to help on their own.
Takizawa, Tsubasa and Yuma are really great people to drive such a long way, to see the damaged areas and to help.
I´m proud to be Johnny´s fan

Kismy said...

OMG, hopefully they will release a charity CD again, that would be so awesome!
I´m so getting this !!!
And if all Johnnys would participate, it would be the best and this release will surely beat AKB48 .

Takki,Tsubasa and Yuma.. what a kind behaviour of them to help.
I´m most surprised that Yuma was helping too, I mean he is so young.
I knew that Takki&Tsubasa are nice people but Yuma impresses me more and more and I become to like him even more.
Gosh, Johnnys artists are so awesome.

Ani2 said...

JE want to use only 10% of power for their stages ?? Wow, Johnny impresses me. Of course the stage won´t look as bright and colorful as before but all fans know that it´s for something good and also, concerts are there not because of the stage effects but because of the artists. I´m sure all fans will be just happy to see their Johnny´s artists on stage, the lighting stuff is not that important then, especially in this hard situation. Johnnys lookamazing without much lights,too XDD

Those 3 guys are so adorable, I´m touched. I´m sure they did the help on their own will.

I´m alread saving money for the charity song :))
I can feel that JE really want to help, I´m really glad about that.

Anonymous said...

This is why I love Johnny´s >333

Jackie said...

Johnny´s really amaze me more and more these days. I love their idea how to help those poor people and I agree with the first comment (Anonymous), we can see that some help is finally happening in the damaged areas, while other agencies are donating money but we (or at least me) don´t know if it´s already used or not.

Yuma seems to have a really nice personality. I remember I read somewhere how Yuma said, he hates poverty and when he sees documentaries about poor people, he always has to cry. So he wants to do some charity work in the future. I´m sure he felt such a strong yearning to help when he saw the japanese news. Takki&Tsubasa helped too, which is awesome but I feel most touched by Yuma because he is so young and decided to see those damaged areas with his own eyes and to help.
I like this boy, he seems so kind and nice to me.
By the way, I didn´t know you are a Yuma fan ?!

I really hope JE will release a charity song! If they do then I hope many many people will buy it so they can donate all the money.
I would like to have a new generation of J-friends with Arashi, News, Kanjani8, Kat-tun, Takki+Tsubasa, HSJ/NYC. But of course, it would be nice if SMAP, Tokio and V6 would join too. And the best would be if some Juniors would dance in the background as well XD
But well, it´s just my imagination..

Anyway, I love JE way of helping.

Jackie said...

Oh sorry, I missed reading your edit. I see, so they didn´t drive to the damaged areas..
But that doesn´t change my opinion. I still think it´s amazing how they helped!
Yes, if I think about it, I´m sure JE wouldn´t let a minor like Yuma drive to those damaged areas.
But still, I´m proud of those guys!