
05 September 2013

Yuma is no longer a university student

Apparently Nakayama Yuma quit university and has instead been focusing on his career. He has expressed interest in going to a school to learn English but not returning to university.

JE Fandom (English)
Oricon Style (Japanese only)

I can understand his reasoning, after all with Johnny's you are set for a career once you debut and Yuma has done that enough times that he should not be worried. Of course it is disappointing that he was not able to complete university after he worked so hard to get in, but at the end of the day it his choice. And it is not like university is the only way to gain education.

I do find it interesting that he wants to learn English. I wonder if this is suggested by Johnny's so that he can be more international or if he just really wants to learn the language.

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