
10 February 2011

Two unusual releases from Johnny's

It's weirding me out honestly. First I get a notice from CDJapan about Johnny's putting Aiba Misaki's play Kimi to Miru Sen no Yume on DVD to sell and then when I did a quick check of Johnny's net I discover that TOKIO has a song available only by downloading via dwango. Both not the norm when it comes to releases by Johnny's acts.

Johnny's rarely release the plays that are performed so it's rather surprising that this is getting a release. I volunteer at a local stage theatre and know from that you first purchase the right to just perform the play and then if you want to do something more like make a video of it to sell its another set of rights you have to pay for (and this is a big part of why you are not supposed to take photos or record the play as a member of the audience), which is probably why most plays don't get DVD releases. So I can only assume this means that Johnny's thinks they will make enough profit from selling the DVD to cover the purchase of the rights to do so. Which is probably another example of just how popular Arashi is right now.

The song that TOKIO has on dwango, which of course means can only be purchased by those in Japan, is titled PLUS and was completely written by Joshima Shigeru. I wonder if this means that Johnny's has a deal with dwango and after Kis-My-Ft2 did well with it they have decided to now see how one of the older debut groups do.

I'm please to see Johnny's move towards the digital age finally but I just wish I could support them by being able to buy the songs. I guess I'll just have to hope the songs eventually get placed on a CD I can buy or Johnny's will finally make the full leap and have their artists have songs in all the digital stores so I can buy them off of iTunes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, it's official Kis my ft2 is going to debut. . Sigh! Jpn time time 5 pm, feb. 12, 2011 will announce later on their concert. From a reliable source. Thanks.

Thennary Nak said...

Just wanted to make sure I thanked you for passing this news along to me. I check my e-mail first thing in the morning so the notification of this comment was the first I heard the great news.