
15 February 2011

Hey! Say! JUMP take over hosting Shounen Club.

From the Shounen Club program information on NHK's website Koyama Keiichiro and Nakamaru Yuichi will no longer be hosting the program. Hey! Say! JUMP are listed as the hosts starting with the April episodes that shall be filmed in March.

NHK Shounen Club program information. (Japanese)

I have nothing against Koyama and Nakamaru but I'm glad to see them finally leave. They've been hosts for years so I think it's time the torch was passed and with Hey! Say! JUMP being supporters for the past year (even if it was mainly just Takaki, Arioka and Nakajima) it makes sense for them to hold that position.

Before I came to post the news though I read several reactions to the news and found myself being annoyed by some of the attitudes. The biggest complaints seem to be that HSJ aren't good enough MCs to do this or are too young.

For the first complaint I don't think those people have given HSJ much of a try. From what I've seen Arioka has come to be someone who is quite comfortable talking with the mic and doing MCing. Takaki and Nakajima aren't bad either and with more experience I believe they will do well. And if being a good MC was an actual requirement for the job then most of the past MCs for Shounen Club would have never been selected. Most start out awkward and only get better with time.

The second complaint annoys me more because I can't see HSJ as a group of kids anymore. I mean by the end of this year all but one will be 18 years old or older so it's ridiculous to think they're children still. The group has been around for over three years now and I refuse to think those years gave them no experience, especially since they tend to do three concert tours every year, which means plenty of times to do MCs.

I can understand being upset of having Koyama and Nakamaru leave if you were a fan, I kinda am as they have become really good at what they do, but I think you should just admit that's what your problem is and not making up excuses to why you believe HSJ will be bad.


Anonymous said...

I also don´t understand all those negative thoughts about the host change. I mean, Yuto, Daiki and Yuya were supporters now for awhile and it was kind of obvious they would take over the show soon. And KoyaMaru can´t host forever , it´s time for something new.
But I wonder if it will be the whole group or just those 3 ? Or probably they will change the hosts avery show(like a rotation)?
Either way, anyone who says they are bad at MC: they are young and will develop!
I think we have to give a chance to those young guys!

Ani2 said...

I will miss KoyaMaru since it was really interesting with them, but with HSJ it could be really nice too! But I hope it won´t be Yamada and Chinen again who get the most spotlight.
I´m more upset about the shortening of the show. Well even if it´s just 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

JE is not stupid. If Yuya,Yuto and Daiki would be bad at MC,then Johnnys would never let them doing the support or take over the host position, right?
Comparing them right now with Koyamaru is unfair. Those two have been hosting for so many years,of course they are much more skilled.
I think those 3 can become very good at MCing too.Give them some time!

I´m really looking forward to the "new" Shounenclub. Kisumai is gone, new hosts, shorter time(I hate this fact).. I so want to see which Juniors are getting pimped since Kismy will leave.
I hope for more spotlight for the group around Taiga.. they should become a band already!
But you never know with Johnny.

Anonymous said...

I will miss Koyama and Maru, they were so awesome! T__T