
01 February 2011

Imai Tsubasa loves Spain & movie critics love Ikuta Toma

Tsubasa is taking his recent love for Spain as he is set to star in a NHK program that helps teach the Spanish language. The name of the program will be TV de Spain-go and will have a university instructor as well as two native Spanish speakers as regulars on the program to serve as teachers.

Momoedgewood Blog. (English)

In other news Ikuta Toma has won the 53rd Blue Ribbon award for Best Newcomer for his work in the films, Ningen Shikkaku (No Longer Human) and Hanamizuki.

Toma is the first from the Johnny's agency to win a Blue Ribbon award, which is given by movie critics and writers.

Tokyo Graph article.

Momoedgewood Blog. (English)

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