
28 November 2010

Johnny's wants a Junior Kouhaku & reveals JaPAnese HI!

Well the Junior concerts at NHK Hall with both Tokyo and Kansai Juniors have rapped up but not without a couple of big announcements. The first is that this concert will be aired on New Year's eve on TV Asahi and that Johnny's wants to make the concert a yearly program to be like a Johnny's Kouhaku citing how difficult it is to get young groups on Kouhaku.

The other is that they have selected 52 Juniors from recent auditions to be a part of a new Junior group JaPAnese HI! (ジャPAニーズ HI!).

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

I did some digging and it looks like JaPAnese HI! is a bit of a recycled name as there was an old Junior group called JaPAnese that was active from 1978 to 1982.

Wikipedia (Japanese)

There's definitely things I want to say about these turns of events, especially JaPAnese HI! , but I think I'll make other posts on the matter latter once I've gotten my thoughts more straightened out and the homework I need to finish done.


AimxAim said...

I'm excited to see who's in JaPAnese HI. 52 members is huge, and I'm hoping one of them is Casey Anderson. Just because he's not in a group now and he's cute. XD

Anonymous said...

I´m not sure about it but I heard the 52 people consist of boys, who just passed the audition this year. Don´t know if it´s true..

Anyway, Tozai Uta Gassen sounds soooo fun and I can´t wait until someone will upload it in the net .
I want to see it soooo much XD

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I want to believe that maybe it's not 52 fresh juniors who just passed auditions but more along the lines of like when Takki let all of the juniors audition for Butoukan.

Thennary Nak said...

@ AimxAim

From the initial newspaper reports all 52 members of this groups are new Juniors. So unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Casey most likely won't be in this group.

@ Anonymous

I can't wait to see Tozai Uta Gassen (TUG? XD) myself. Hopefully there will be someone uploading it to share.

@ fatsoko

Well until Johnny's does more with the group we won't know. Perhaps the January taping of Shounen Club next month will help shed some light if they're on that.