
24 November 2010

61st Kouhaku Johnny's

Well I've been without power for about two days from the snow where I live. It was miserable but I am quite enjoying warmth and the wonders of electricity now.

While I was without internet NHK put out their list for the performers participating in the 61st Kouhaku program. There's a lot of old faces returning which includes the Johnny's groups that performed on the show last year, SMAP, TOKIO, Arashi and NYC.

Official NHK Kouhaku website artist list.

Personally I would rather see Hey! Say! JUMP on the list instead of NYC but I guess that may not happen anytime soon. I just hope NYC has something just as completely ridiculous this year as they did last year. Those belts were pure Johnny's costuming epic-ness. XD


Anonymous said...

Why NYC and not HSJ for example? Hmm, Yamada and Chinen are in HSJ but Johnny doesn´t let them appear.
So, there is also Yuma in NYC and Yuma is in no other official group. I´m already thinking for a longer time: Johnny san has a crush on Yuma, he wants to promote him and bring him to the spotlight. Because if it would be for YamaChii´s sake, then he could have also used HSJ for Kouhaku.

Hmm, but is Kouhaku really the right way to make Yuma become more popular? Since there´s a lot of hatred towards NYC coming up right now, because fans of the other groups can´t understand why such a new group and who didn´t sell that well this year, is allowed to perform in Kouhaku.

Anyway, I just hope for those young boys that they won´t be hated just for this, because it´s not their fault. Johnny-san makes the decisions.
So I hope NYC will show us an amazing show( without those future-look costumes and the belt..omg..)
, so they can be proud of themselves and that people will become atleast to accept them.

Personally I like NYC because I think especially Yuma and Yamada are big talents to watch out for.
It´s obvious how much Johnny-san pimps those young group.

Thennary Nak said...

Well there was a lot of speculation last year that NYC boys got on because that was the only way Johnny's would let Arashi be on the show. If you base it off of that then keeping NYC on the program could be so Arashi would be allowed to stay as well.

I personally really like Yuma so I don't mind that he gets a lot of promotion with Johnny's. And I do think he does have talent but he's still working on his stage presence which was something most of HSJ had to do, and still some need to work on, after they debuted.

I used to have mixed feelings about NYC but I'm now at peace with them. Johnny's making sure that HSJ releases something as well was all I needed to be comfortable with the group. Though with Yuma being the only non-HSJ member and how much he shows up at HSJ concerts is making me see him as the 11th member of HSJ from time to time. XD

Anonymous said...

Yay for NYC (>v<) Hatred to the side, I looove the 3 of them.
Can´t wait to see them perform !!

Thennary Nak said...

I'm glad to hear more fans of the group speak up. I've run into way too many people complaining about them being in the program this year.

HSJ4life said...

Since I´m a JUMP fan, I would have rather prefered to see HSJ but NYC is also good for me.

What´s up with all those hating comments about NYC in the internet?? They are also not my favoruite group but we can´t blame those guys. There are of course also some Johnnys which I don´t like but I NEVER give so bad comments about them. Common guys, this is childish!!!
NYC will perform and we should support them. I mean they´re so young and I don´t want make them to feel, as if they are not welcome there to perform. Imagine how you would feel about it, it´s such a pressure on them.
JE isn´t letting them appear just for fun. Surely Johnny wants them to bring more and more to the spotlight.

Even though I also didn´t undertstand why they are on the Kouhaku list, I´m okay with it now and to tell the truth , I´m looking forward to their performance. Yamada and Chinen are not my fav members of HSJ but I like them as well as Yuma, who is really cute.

Glad to read that the other people who commented here, support NYC as well.

HSJ4life said...

What´s up with those hatred comments abou NYC in the internet?
They are also not my fav group and I would have rather seen HSJ but why those bad comments? Those boys are not to blame at all. Common guys, this is childish !!!

NYC will appear and I think we have to support them. Imagine how they would feel, if they know that nobody wants to see them performing there. What kind of pressure is that.

Okay, first I also didn´t understand why they are appearing there, but now I´m fine with it and to tell the truth, I´m looking forward to their performance now.

Nice to read comments here of people who support NYC as well.

Thennary Nak said...

I've read someone bring up the theory that because Kouhaku is a program meant to be enjoyed by the entire nation having NYC on the list is a way to have the younger children watching the program have something more geared for them.

To me that makes a lot of sense as most of the artists on Kouhaku are more for teens and older and there isn't much there for kids so NYC, a group that is geared towards a younger audience, is nice to have there for them.