
26 November 2010

Johnny's school calendars 2011-2012

Well it's that time of year for the Johnny's school calendars to be listed. In the end after debating it I decided to order the Junior calendar this year, though I had at first wanted to get the NEWS one. But I figure there's still three or four years before NEWS will stop releasing a calendar and the bonus that the Junior calendar had was probably something that they wouldn't do again another year. Though I do wonder if NYC will ever get a calendar but I guess they would have to take Nakayama Yuma out of Junior status to do that.

Onto the calendar listings. According the CDJapan the NEWS calendar is: A4-size page-two-week calendar / 64 pages + 8 pages with 32 photo cards] Includes an original masking tape with logo.

2011-2012 Johnny's School Calendar: NEWS Calendar "2011.4 - 2012.3" Johnny's official calender / NEWS

The Kanjani8 will be: [Spec: A2-size] Includes an original masking tape with logo.

2011-2012 Johnny's School Calendar: KANJANI8 Calendar "2011.4 - 2012.3" Johnny's official calender / KANJANI8

KAT-TUN: A5-size (the size should be the standard wall size calendar)

2011-2012 Johnny's School Calendar: KAT-TUN Calendar "2011.4 - 2012.3" Johnny's official calender / KAT-TUN

Hey! Say! JUMP: Book-shaped.

2011-2012 Johnny's School Calendar: Hey! Say! JUMP Calendar "2011.4 - 2012.3" Johnny's official calender / Hey! Say! JUMP

And the Johnny's Junior calendar: Johnny's official calender of April 2011 - March 2012 featuring Johnny's Jr. such as Kis-My-Ft2, A.B.C-Z, B.I.shadow, 7WEST, Shintaro Morimoto, and more for 100 people total (subject to change). [Spec: A4-size calendar] It can be displayed as a desktop or a wall calendar. Includes an Yuma Nakayama calendar.

2011-2012 Johnny's School Calendar: Johnny's Jr. Calendar "2011.4 - 2012.3" Johnny's official calender / Johnny's Jr.

Of course being the big Nakayama Yuma fan I am there really was no way I could pass that up.Though I do hope next year he'll be in a calendar with group mates, whether it be NYC or a new debut group.


Anonymous said...

I´ve never thought that Yuma will get an own calendar next year but I´m also a big fan of Yuma ,so when I heard about it, I became so so happy ! Yuma is really like the "Golden Junior" in JE, it´s so obvious that Johnny favours him.
But I imagine that other Junior fans will feel upset or jealous about that only Yuma gets an own calendar and not their favourite group. And I think,he will also appear in the normal Junior calendar with B.I. Shadow and 7West probably, so other fans will mabye get annoyed of seeing him so often and become to hate him in a way. Of course, since I reallyyy like Yuma , I hope this won´t happen ... And I wonder how the other Juniors will feel about it?
I get more and more the feeling that it´s maybe Yuma who Johnny will let make a real debut in 2011. There is some rumour or hope that it would be Kis-my-ft2 ( it would be great if they would debut!) but I think, it´s Yuma who should become the next big thing , maybe already for 2011.
I mean, he´s appearing on Kouhaku, is in NYC,he´s getting main roles in dramas and stage plays, and for example in the new AnAn issue, Yuma was featured the most of all Johnnys Jr´s . And now the thing with the seperated own calendar...
It´s more and more obvious that Johnny is planning something big with him and I don´t say that just because I´m a Yuma fan.
I´m not sure what will happen to Yuma. When he will debut in the future, I don´t think he will be solo artist from the beginning, since JE always debuted a group. So will they form a new group, with him as the leader?
Let´s see who will debut in 2011. Maybe Johnny will give us a new surprise and something completely different will happen.

Sorry for that long post, but I can´t wait for the Junior calendar!!

Jacky said...

Yeah, Yuma is I´d say something special among the juniors, regarded how much attention he gets of JE. And truly, he is a gifted boy but I think he hasn´t shown his full potential yet. I´m sure there is much more potential in him and Johnny knows that he´s talented and polishes his "raw diamond".

But I don´t think he will debut next year. Even though he´s around everywhere but he kind of debuted already in 2009, right? Í´m not sure if JE will kind of debut him again after such a short time.
Maybe it will be Kis-my-ft2 or B.I.Shadow since they become more and more popular.
I´d like to see Yuma either solo (he´s a freakin awesome voice) or with 7west. He seems rather comfortable with them.

Anyway, I think Yuma won´t debut 2011, of course some time later !
But who will become the new supporter team for the Volley Ball cup next year? Kis-my is a little too old for it, I think.

Thanks for the info about the calendars! I´m going to buy the HSJ one and the Junior Calendar.

Anonymous said...

YOSH! A solo calender for Yuma, that is what I want!

I think a separate Yuma calender is better otherwise he'd take up quite a lot of space in a Juniors one (like the last one where the emphasis was YumaShin)... so no one should be complaining this time? Or they will complain either way? If so... then there might as well be a solo calender~

Thennary Nak said...

@ Anonymous 1

I would say he's one of the 'Golden Juniors' as Morimoto Shintarou has gotten a lot of favoritism as well.

By now I think I'm used to people disliking Yuma and refuse to care. I'm sure if it was a Junior they liked they wouldn't be complaining about them as they do about Yuma. But I don't think Yuma will be a Junior for much longer so I think the other Juniors will rather care that much, especially with now JaPAnese HI! starting up.

It could be both. No group has debuted since HSJ, since the whole NYC thing hasn't normalized yet, so I think Johnny's could debut Kisumai during the first half of the year then debut a new group near the end of the year with Yuma. The two groups have different age groups they appeal to so I don't think it'll be an issue.

@ Jacky

With NYC it is hard to tell if Yuma is debuted or not, especially since Johnny's still lists him as a Junior. But I think there is a chance of him debuting next year with another group. If he doesn't I'm thinking they may just keep him with NYC as it may be easier for him to later release solo CDs with that group than with another group.

@ Anonymous 2

I don't anything will make the Yuma haters happy. But I think this Junior calendar might be more balanced as there are more prominent Juniors than there were last year, IMHO.

YuMi said...

Woot!!! I'm so happy after reading these, thank you for it =D
So.... any idea when the calendar gets released?