
05 November 2010

Hey! Say! JUMP new single Arigato!

Woke up to some great news. Hey! Say! JUMP will be releasing a new single before the end of the year. On December 15th their sixth single Arigato "Sekai no Doko ni Itemo" is scheduled to be released.

As par with most of their past releases there are two versions, an LE with a DVD that will have the PV and the making of and an RE which so far the only information about it is that it will have 3 B-side tracks.

"Arigato" - Sekai no Doko ni Itemo - [Regular Edition] / Hey! Say! JUMP

"Arigato" - Sekai no Doko ni Itemo - [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Hey! Say! JUMP

I'm so excited that we're getting some HSJ before the end of the year. Especially as it means that this will be the song that they will be performing on all the year end programs, so there will a lot of lives with it. So I hope it's a good song.


Nekochan (=^_^=) said...

Hi! Good day! this is katrinalacson ^o^...
21 years old
LOVE Hey! Say! JUMP!!!! ^♥^

never-ending-music-power(I hope to call you by your name ^o^),..before anything else..thank you so much for scanning photo/magazines, uploading it and sharing it with us ^o^..thank you so much for your effort and generosity ^♥^. never-ending-music-power, I’ll be taking over on updating an Archive blog where almost all of Hey! Say! JUMP magazine interview translation LINKS + SCANS LINKS are gathered together. Hey! Say! JUMP Magazine SCAN and PHOTO seekers will find lots of LINKS there. I hope to make a link from that blog that will direct seekers to your post.. With that, there will be no misconception that I was the one who scanned or translated it since they will be able to see it on your page not my page and under your username not my username...^o^ ♥

I hope you let me link to your post...ah! I’m not going to re-post your download link..don’t worry...please...please..please...♥ ♥ ♥ The blog is for the fans, soon-to-be fans and future fans of Hey! Say! JUMP. I also want to help them to know more about Hey! Say! JUMP..although, by just with linking...I still want to help them..♥ ^o^

Thank you... ♥ ♥ ♥


JUMPlin said...

Yayyyy, HSJ will finally release a new single !!!! We fans waited already too long but now the waiting came to an end^^
I also hope , the song will be a nice one , with a nice PV. Can´t wait for December !!!