
06 July 2011

Tackey & Tsubasa new single journey

Tackey & Tsubasa fans can probably feel more at ease now as it looks like the unit will be sticking together for a while as a new single for the group has been announced. The single is titled Journey -Bokura no Mirai- and is set for an August 31st release date.

As usual with the Johnny's groups attached to Avex the single has three versions, two LEs with DVDs and a RE. The difference between the LEs is the first has the PV and making of while the other has solo versions of the PV for the two members. The RE comes with two songs that are not on the LE versions.

Journey Journey - Bokura no Mirai - [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type A / Jacket A] / Tackey & Tsubasa

Journey Journey - Bokura no Mirai - [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type B / Jacket B] / Tackey & Tsubasa

Journey Journey - Bokura no Mirai - [Jacket C] / Tackey & Tsubasa

So it's not a bad year for the duo compared to the past couple of years. As this will bring them to having a mini album and a single released in 2011.


Jackie said...

I didn´t expect them to release a new single this year but it´s nice to hear they´ll release something !
I´m not following Takki&Tsubasa much, so I don´t know how their sales looked like some years ago.
But recently, they are not great sellers. I´m always feeling so sad for them.
But they have a steady fanbase and those fans must be excited for that new single!

Btw, do you know who is deciding when or if a Johnnys artist is releasing a single/album/DVD?
Is it JE or the record label?

Ani2 said...

I miss when Takki was singing solo songs like Ai Kakumei, Kiseki, etc..

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jackie

I have the feeling that all groups will have at least one single released this year. And from the more recent announcements it looks like it'll happen as I think NEWS is now the only group without a 2011 single.

Well with the number of groups Johnny's has I think there's bound to be a few that just don't pan out in the end. Unfortunately it seems like T&T is one of those groups.

It's hard to know that. But I remember reading somewhere one of the daisempai members of J&A saying that T&T's lack of releases was an issue with how they were management and for what I know management is in J&A's hands. I think the record labels just help with getting tie-ins and deciding on release style, like how many versions something will have.

@ Ani2

Well with these two who knows what they'll be doing down the road. I'm sure they'll at least have solo songs from time to time, especially if they ever get around to releasing another album.