
29 July 2011

Kawai Fumito injured

It has been announced that during PLAYZONE Kawai Fumito landed wrong and fractured a toe. He is currently on leave for the injury which is said will need surgery. They say he will be out for about a month, which means he will be out for the rest of the Aoyama shows of PLAYZONE.

Johnny's net message with a message from Kawai. (Japanese only.)

I hope he gets well soon and wish him luck on the surgery. I can't imagine A.B.C.-Z without him.


AimxAim said...

Aww I feel bad for him. He's one of the only Juniors I pay attention to. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. :]

Thennary Nak said...

I hope he recovers soon as well. He's definitely one of the stand out Juniors at the moment and will be missed if he isn't there performing.

Jackie said...

Oh no poor Kawai-kun ! Somehow ABC-Z is not the same without him...
How bad he must feel to not be able to dance in the Tokyo shows.
I also feel bad for the fans who came just to see him.
Hoping for a quick recovery.
Ah and your new blog layout is very nice ^^

Thennary Nak said...

I'm sure he feels bad about it, but hopefully he won't be too hard on himself. And at least it's something he can recover from.

Thank you. I'll probably be tweeking things with it for a bit but overall I'm quite happy with the change and I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Ani2 said...

I´m worried about Fumi >_< Well, there is also Shounentachi in September, so I hope he will fully recovered until then, or also for the PZ shows in Nagoya and Osaka.

I read somewhere that there was the DVD recording on 24th of July and Fumi wasn´t there. I feel so sad that we won´t see him on DVD .
All the best to him!