
09 January 2011

Kis-My-Ft2 has their first No. 1 ... sorta

I'm sorry for not updating or replying for the past few days. I've been busy this past week but I do plan on going back and responding to everyone in the next few days and to update more as there has been some news coming out now that the New Year holidays are over in Japan.

One little bit of news out is that Kis-My-Ft2 will be doing the OP song for the Misaki No. 1 drama. The song is titled No. 1~FIRE BEAT and is a modified version of their song, FIRE BEAT, especially for the drama.

TV Pia official Twitter account for Misaki No.1 (Japanese)

I'm so happy for the boys to have a song tie-in with the drama. I had been hoping they would have an insert song or something when the website for the drama listed another artist for the ED song. I kinda wish it was a new song but I like FIRE BEAT and I'm interested in hearing the changes they made to the song. And I think it could be a good B-side if Johnny's wants to give them a debut single or something soon. >.>


Kismy said...

Jaaaa, Firebeat?? I love this song. I´m really glad that Kis-my-ft2 sings the op song for the drama but I expected it to be a completely new song and not firebeat , which we all have heard already several times.
Anyway, I don´t want to compain since... will they probably release this song as CD ? Which means debutXD?
Can´t wait to see the drama soon and of course what happens to Kismy !!

Anonymous said...

I´m excited to listen to that "different" firebeat.
seriously, I´m waiting for the day, you will tell us " Kis-my-ft2 finally makes a debut" .
And of course not only you, but the whole japanese press.
Hopefully it will happen soon.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Kismy

I was expecting a new song too but overall I'm just glad they will have a song attached to the drama.

I'm hoping real bad that this will lead to a debut. I feel like I've been waiting forever to hear that news and I'll be so heartbroken if it doesn't happen.

@ Anonymous

I'm eagerly waiting for that day as well. I'll probably end devoting an entire week or so to just gushing about it when it happens.