
28 January 2011

An egg's dream

So it seems like the new NYC single rumor was a month off as there is now news that NYC will be releasing a new single to be the theme song of the upcoming Nintama Rantarou movie. This actually seems definite as the information is from an online Japanese store. From the information out it will be released March 9th and will come in 3 different versions and will be titled Yume Tamago (which can translate to Dream Egg).

Two of the versions will have a DVD each, one with the PV and making of for Yume Tamago and the other for Yuuki 100%. The third edition will have two bonus tracks. So if you're a NYC fan I hope you've been saving up your money if you want all three editions. I know my wallet is weeping as I type.

Shinseido website listings. (Japanese only)

Edit: Just checked and Johnny's net has the information up for the new single so I would expect that the usual online stores will be sending out notices soon for pre-orders.


Kismy said...

Glad for NYC but what kind of title is that ? Johnny, when are you going to stop treating them as little children?!

Jackie said...

Since they attended Kouhaku in 2010, it was obvious they would release a single soon. I´m really glad for NYC !! The only thing that disturbs me kind of,is their image. Wouldn´t it be better for their popularity if they would sing songs which fit 17 year olds?! The title sounds again like a childish song and I kind of feel bad for those guys.
They are not children anymore! I imagine, if they would sing really cool songs, more and more girls would fall for them and buy more CD´s. I mean, it´s mainly not children who buy their CD´s right?
And also, of course they are happy to release something but surely they are thinking "why again such song?! Why can´t we sing something different?!"
But since I like all three boys, I will support them either way!!

Again to Kouhaku.. if they will stay active until the rest of the year, I can imagine them attending Kouhaku again this year.
Good luck for NYC

Thennary Nak said...

@ Kismy

Honestly considering the names Johnny's comes up for groups the song title doesn't phase me much. And I think we're going to have to wait for the next group of young with young teens to debut before they can move on from this kiddie fare.

@ Jackie

I wouldn't mind it if they released another single this year, just as long as HSJ is releasing singles as well.

I don't think there will be an image change for a while. Their biggest tie-in is the anime series and it is for young children.

I think though once Johnny's has a new group with younger members they may start with an image change but I have a feeling they'll be like Tegomass, where their image is for a younger audience than for the main group (News for Tegomass and HSJ for NYC).