
26 January 2011

Akanishi Jin's plans for debut single and album

I know it's late but I figured that there was enough information in the article that was worth mentioning that it should still be shared.

The information about his debut single is pretty much the same that's already been given, but if you head over to Johnny's net you can see the cover previews that are now up for it.

The news for Jin's upcoming U.S. album is that he has been working on it and will continue to do so as he aims to release it on his birthday, the 4th of July. It also mentions he may release a single for the U.S. market before the album, which IMHO seems likely as that's how artists tend to release their music, a single followed by the album.

Also of interest is that he may modify his artist name for the U.S. market. I would hope it's just going to be something simple as going from 'Akanishi Jin' to something like just 'Jin'. Kinda like how Utada Hikaru shortened her name to simply 'Utada' for her forays into the U.S. market.

And of course after the album is released he plans on touring the U.S. again and then even some Asian countries. I just hope that if he does tour the U.S. again he expands on the cities he'll perform in so more of his fans get a chance to see him.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

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