
19 December 2010

Thoughts on Arigato "Sekai no Doko ni Itemo" single

As I look at the clock and realize that it's almost midnight and I have yet to make a post for today I'll be doing this really quick and on the fly. So you'll have to forgive me if I just spew things out.

Today I finally got my December order from CDJapan in, which of course included both versions of Hey! Say! JUMP's last single for 2010, Arigato "Sekai no Doko ni Itemo". Since I've been watching all the performances for the title track I almost feel like I've already over played it, but thankfully since I have the regular edition I have the three B-sides to give me something fresher to listen to.

Honestly it's not going to be my favorite single but I think it's still a nice addition to HSJ's discography and the title track would be great to have if the boys ever get to perform overseas. (Though I have the feeling we're going to have to wait for them all to be 18 and over before they begin touring outside of Japan.) And I think it's also a nod from Johnny's that they know that there are fans outside of Japan for the group. Which is nice.

For the B-sides it is nice to have a version of FLY without the sound of screaming crowds. It's not my favorite concert only song of theirs but I hope that more of them will end up as B-sides from here on out as they have quite the collection by now. Snow Song is more upbeat that I expected it to be, but it's a nice song for this time of year. Also I feel like HSJ may be moving towards a more mature sound and image but as they're not there yet will still have cute songs like this. Kinda like there was Romeo & Juliet on the Hitomi no Screen single. Then Futarigake no Basho is a nice way to end the single with a ballad. I actually rather like this song and it's currently my favorite B-side of the single.

I had been wondering if I really should have gotten the limited version of this single, especially as I was not all that impressed with the music video. But the making of feature made it up for me, as it seemed pretty Hey! Say! BEST heavy and you can really get the sense that the group has gotten really comfortable with each other now. The PV had me thinking of their first PV with Ultra Music Power, as they both looked to have similar concepts and looking back at how HSJ was then compared to now is pretty amazing. The boys have come a long way since then and are so much more open around each other and the cameras now then they were at first. I can't wait to see how they continue to grow as a group through the years and hope Johnny's won't be keeping us long before the first HSJ single of 2011.


Jackie said...

Personally I really like this song, but the PV could be better.It seems like kind of cheap-made PV. And I´m not a fan but Ryutaro, Inoo and Keito were so rarely seen.. feel bad for them and their fans.
But I think, everyone looks really kakkoi in the PV.

What disappoints me the most are the bad sales. Earlier I thought "This new single will be a hit" but it´s different: probably the japanese fans don´t like this kind of music style?! Seems like it´ll become their worst sold single, and this is so sad.
Let´s see how JE will react. Maybe they will go back to the style of Mayonaka no shadow boy and Hitomi no screen,because they sold pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Arigatou is an amazing song !!!
The PV is also awesome but.. well, I love Keito but I couldn´t see him that much in the video T_T
Why are always the same members getting solo lines?
I also like Yama-chan, but I wouldn´t care to see him less in the middle of the single-photos or in the PV. For example, there´s one scene where they are in the airplane and Yama-chan is walking while the others are just at one place. I thought "Why is it him walking?" He´s the king or what?!
Ahhh, gomen gomen, I don´t want it to sound so rude,.. it´s just ´we other fans want the other members to get more chances in the spotlight, but it´s always the same people:Yamada, Chinen, Dai-chan, Yuto but noooo Keito><
To tell the truth I don´t want it to become like Yamada Ryosuke w/HSJ or something like that.
But have to admit.. he´s really an amazing performer, so....
Anyway, I love the song and bought both editions^^

I also can´t understand why the sales are that low >_<

HSYama said...

So happy you talk about HSJ´s new single !
I think it´s their best release ever! I just love everything about it >3
Futarigake no Basho is sooo wonderful, Ryosuke´s voice is just looove XD
And Yayyy, YamaChii will perform FLY next month for Volleyball cup.
But I wonder, why it´s just the two of them?! Probably it should be NYC, but since Yuma is doing a stage play with Takki, they took only YamaChii. Ah, sooo happy !!!

I want to refer to Anonymous:
Well, I admit I´m a big Yamada fan and I understand the other fans who say Why always him etc.
But nobody can deny that he´s freakin awesome! He sings wonderful, his looks, dance and performance,, he has star appeal .
When you see their performances, Yamada really stands out. And he has sooo many fans.
Can I say, he´s the best one?Ok, I guess it was too much, hehe.
But now wonder Johnny´s pimp him that much , he´s just amazing.
just watch and listen to him, then you will understand why!

Thanks again for your blog entry^^ Seems like you have a lot of freetime now because you update a lot these days.
I´m glad to see that.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jackie

I just feel like the PV was rushed and really didn't do much for the song. And I do feel sorry for those three, as they are the trio that get the least amount of screen time.

Well the single really doesn't have much tie-in wise compared to their other singles and the one tie-in they have is for the volleyball tournament next month so if it's going to help with sales it won't be until then. So I don't think it's so much the song but rather unlike those two singles it didn't have a drama to help promote it.

@ Anonymous

It's like that with all the Johnny's groups, that some will get more lines than others.

I agree, Yamada is talented and does deserve some spotlight in the group but it shouldn't be at the expense of the rest of the group. But unless other members get the chance to break out and gain a lot of fans things are pretty much stuck as they are.

@ HSYama

I'm a bit of a loss why just the two of them as the rest of HSJ look like they will be free to be supporters too yet they're stuck doing nothing.

I definitely have more free time than before. Still busy because of the holidays but that's more spending time with the family than having to go to classes and do homework.