
24 December 2010

KAT-TUN's Ultimate Wheels

KAT-TUN has their first single for 2011 lined up already as CDJapan just sent out the e-mail for pre-order of the CD. It will come out on February 2nd and is titled Ultimate Wheels.

The single comes in three editions, one LE with DVD and two RE editions, one being a first press edition and they both have a different B-side track.

Ultimate Wheels [Regular Edition] / KAT-TUN

Ultimate Wheels [Regular Edition (First Press)] / KAT-TUN

Ultimate Wheels [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / KAT-TUN


Anonymous said...

Change ur world was really amazing, so I hope their new song will continue with that "Kat-tun" style."Ultimate Wheels" ...sounds cool to me.
Can´t wait to listen to their song and to see the PV in some weeks.
Thanks for sharing the info !
And..merry christmas!!

Thennary Nak said...

I'm currently iffy about their songs right now, though I did like Change Ur World better than the couple of singles they released before it. For me right now KAT-TUN is mainly an 'album only' artist for me, as in I'll just wait to buy their albums instead of getting their singles, but if they have Ueda's or Junno's solo songs on a single I'll buy those.

reimin said...

Change Ur World for me was one of their best singles. I love the B-sides too, REMEMBER is fantastic. and Junno's GIRLS is addictive. I like how KAT-TUN's songs do not sound alike. I understand they can't always have hard-rock songs on repeat, but I also want that KAT-TUNish feel for their upcoming songs.
@Thennary Nak, it helps that KAT-TUN releases an album annually, so we don't have to wait so long unlike the case with other JE groups. But I am anticipating a BEST album this year for their 5th anniversary.

Unknown said...

You can listen to the whole song here :)

It sounds live to me but I'm not too sure. Happy 2011!! <3