
16 December 2010

Jin Akanishi signed on Warner Music

Okay, I am on holiday so I'm going to make sure I post something everyday for the rest of the month. Starting with some catching up for news.

Continuing on with his solo career for both in Japan and the in U.S. Akanishi Jin has signed with Warner Music to be his record label for both markets. It was also announced that his first music release will be in Spring of 2011. And once he releases his debut album he will tour the U.S. once more.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

Honestly I didn't think too much about what record label Jin would be on for his solo work but it makes a lot of sense of Johnny's to have a out of house record label handle things for releases. Warner Music is established on both side of the waters and they were the ones that singed JYJ so they seem keen on having Asian artists on their label. Hopefully they can give Jin the publicity that JYJ have been getting as I think he might have a bit of a better chance in the U.S. as he's a solo artist and can converse decently in English.

Of course this doesn't mean at all that Jin is leaving Johnny's. As Johnny's is mainly a management company that happens to also have their own record labels but even then not all of their acts are on them, with SMAP, V6 and Tackey & Tsubasa being on non-Johnny's labels for their music labels.


Jackie said...

I envy those fans in US, who can enjoy Jin in concerts ><
Anyway, I think it´s really hard to become a superstar in the USA because there are tooo many but I wish Jin all the best and a lot of success !

Thennary Nak said...

Well I'm in the US but haven't made it to one of his concerts yet. They're too far away so I hope with next year's tour he'll make it somewhere close to where I am.

It is hard to be a success in the US, I think really it comes down to luck for the most part, but I guess time will tell with how well Jin will end up doing.