
26 October 2010

Kinki Kids new single

There will be a new single for Kinki Kids before the end of the year. This will also be their 30th single since debut and it is titled Family -Hitotsu ni Narukoto-. It will be released on December 1st.

It comes in two editions and is the usual Kinki Kids single release with the difference between the LE and RE mainly being a different B-side track.

Family -Hitotsu ni narukoto- [Regular Edition] / KinKi Kids

Family -Hitotsu ni narukoto- [Limited Edition] / KinKi Kids

I believe with this single every group has now released a single in 2010. Which is a vast improvement from 2009 where there were groups that seemed to be completely overlooked release-wise. Hopefully 2011 will be good about making sure each group releases something as well.

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