
14 February 2010

Spring drama news 2010

I don't want to fall too far behind now that I'm almost caught up, especially since this is about the time the new dramas for the spring season are getting announced.

The first confirmed drama for a Johnny's this spring is for Arashi's Ohno Satoshi. He gets to lead again in a drama, this one being based off a popular manga Kaibutsu-kun from the 1960s. The story sounds like it wouldn't lend itself all too well to the drama format as it's the story of the prince of Monster Land that comes to the human world and has adventures with the monsters he finds living there. It's already been made into a couple of anime series so it should hopefully be interesting to see how they do this series for live action.

Tokyograph article. (English)

Next, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi will be in a drama special about Japanese-Americans, simply titled Japanese-Americans. The special will be five episodes long as it follows generations of a Japanese-American family and will air on TBS. They will run the episodes across five days in a row, which will be a first for them to try to do.

Tokyograph article.

The most recent drama announcement is for Kato Shigeaki, who will get a chance to be a lead in a drama for the first time. The drama he will be the lead in is called Troubleman and it will air on TV Tokyo. It's being directed by SABU, known for his cult movies, who will be directing a TV drama for the first time.

Tokyograph article. (English)

And so far that's it for drama announcements for the spring. I hope there's more soon and I really hope some of the Hey! Say! JUMP boys get roles or something as Yamada shouldn't be the only one with a drama career.

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