
12 February 2010

New release rundown February-March

Okay, I'm finally back at home and ready to start blogging here again. And I thought a good way to start up again is to do a bit of a run down of the new releases from Johnny's for February and March.

First up is the latest TOKIO release, advance/Mata Asa ga Kuru, which was released last week on February 3rd. I haven't been able to pick up a copy of the single yet, though I plan to when I go over to Seattle later this month, as I find the B-sides tend to be rather good songs with TOKIO singles.

The next is this week's release, KAT-TUN's single Love Yourself -Kimi ga Kirai na Kimi ga Suki-. With it's first couple days of sales it looks like it will take the top of the yearly 2010 charts on the Oricon chart for a few weeks until Arashi releases their next single. Honestly I passed on buying this single and I don't think I'm ever going to bother to pick it up as the title track and D-Motion just sound very lackluster to me and I've decided to just wait for the album for KAT-TUN. I think the only way I'll break that is if they have all the members have solo songs attached to a single, like with Don't U Ever Stop, as I would have to get the versions with Junno's and Ueda's solos on it.

We then get a week break before entering the next week which is loaded with Johnny's releases.

As a part of his 30th anniversary Masahiko Kondo is releasing a new single, Zanbara, on the 22nd, a Monday.

Then the 24th will have two Johnny's singles released. It's kinda surprising that Johnny's is doing this as I've never heard of them competing with themselves for a release date. Though I can't help but think it's a show of how little faith they have in Imai Tsubasa's solo release, Backborn. Which is rather sad for him and his fans.

The other release of that day is the much awaited new single from Hey! Say! JUMP, Hitomi no Screen. To me the song seems to be in the vein of Mayonaka no Shadow Boy, which isn't my favorite sound. Though I am loving the B-side Romeo & Juliet so to me that makes up for it. And I'd be surprised if this single doesn't rank number 1 in the charts as HSJ has had some pretty strong sales and hopefully all the waiting makes fans eager to pick up this single. I hope an album isnt' far behind for them.

Starting off March will be Arashi releasing a new single, Troublemaker, which I'm sure will hold the top spot on the yearly chart for sometime as the Arashi craze doesn't seem to be slowing down much.

The next release of March on the 10th will be a DVD release. Tackey's Takizawa Kakumei show will be getting a DVD release, and I'm assuming it's for this year's shows. In any case A.B.C.-Z and Kis-My-Ft2 are both listed as being a part of the show so like a lot of Tackey's butais it's something Junior fans can look forward to as well.

And then the latest release announcement for the end of March, March 24th, is a new single from NEWS. I just got the e-mail from cdjapan not that long ago (in fact you have to use the direct links to find them as the site listing doesn't have it listed yet but I'm sure they'll fix that soon) and have already pre-ordered both editions. It's back to the usual two versions with the difference being a couple different tracks on each edition. The title of the single is Sakura Girl and cdjapan has the track listing up, though Johnny's net has yet to update with any information about the single yet.

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