
26 April 2010

Tokio to host 2010's NTV 24hr program

The Johnny's group hosting NTV's annual 24hr charity program has been announced and this year Tokio will be returning to host. This will be their 3rd time hosting the program and it is the 33rd year NTV has run the program.

NTV announcement.

It hasn't been announced yet which member will be in the drama special that usually accompanies the program but for the past two times they hosted both Taichi and Nagase have starred in the specials so I think there's a good chance one of the other three members will get the chance to star in it.

I'm personally really happy for Tokio. They're my favorite senpai group so being able to see more of them than usual is perfectly fine for me. Though I'm a bit surprised it's not Kanjani8 this year, but maybe since they only just began doing nationwide programs Johnny's wants to see how they do with that before having them come on NTV 24 hour TV.

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