
24 April 2010

Kansai Johnny's news

Looks like I have myself playing catch up again. ORZ

But on Johnny's net the Kansai Juniors are listed to be having some summer concerts at the end of July, on the 28th and 29th to be more specific. The title of the concert is the exact same as the spring concerts except for switching out the spring in the title to summer.

Though I think there is a good chance of there being one difference between the two concerts and that will be whether or not Nakayama Yuma will be there or not. These two concerts are on the same days as the upcoming Summary concerts will be on and if this Summary is like the last Summary Yuma will be given a large role in it. So I'm pretty certain, especially with the recent NYC cd release and everything, that Johnny's will want to have Yuma be there for Summary as a regular with the other Tokyo Juniors, so it makes me wonder if he will not be at the upcoming Junior concerts because of this.

And now on a completely different note, it was reported a couple of days ago that Shibutani Subaru was in a car accident. He went to stop for a red light but didn't manage to stop quick enough and rear ended the vehicle in front of him. Both drivers were unharmed though there was some car damage.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

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