
19 April 2011

TOKIO new release

TOKIO will be finishing up the month of May when it comes to singles from Johnny's artists. May 25th they will release a new single titled Miageta Ryusei.

This release will have three editions, two LEs and a RE. The LEs each come with a DVD, one for the PV for the title track while the other has the PV of the digital single PLUS. They also only have the title track with karaoke on the CD. The RE will have three tracks, the title track and two B-sides, which include a CD version of PLUS.

Miageta Ryusei [w/ DVD, Limited Edition 1] / TOKIO

Miageta Ryusei [w/ DVD, Limited Edition 2] / TOKIO

Miageta Ryusei [Regular Edition] / TOKIO

I guess since TOKIO doesn't have any number one single streaks J-Storm doesn't mind putting them up against AKB48, who should easily get the number one spot for that week. It also seals the fact that Kis-My-Ft2's debut single probably isn't coming out until June.


Anonymous said...

Hello there~
I'm sometimes reading your blog, though I don't remember if I commented here or not since I wasn't here for a while ^^;

Anyway, I was wondering about Kis-My-Ft2 debut CD, and seeing yesterday the info about TOKIO cds made me think, they have pushed the debut back a bit.
UNLESS they'll release an album!
If I'm not wrong, it wasn't stated if it'll be a single or an album. Seeing J&A doing unusual stuff lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like that.
KAT-TUN also debuted with an Best Of album (and a single... and a DVD), so maybe Kisumai will take a similar route?

It's hard now for J&A to find a good date for a debut SINGLE so it wouldn't collide with any of their already debuted groups and any of AKB48 related groups (who release singles every 2 weeks or something ^^;) or other popular artists.

Well, we'll see.
The waiting is kinda annoying. They should at least say something if they pushed it or not... u____u*

Thennary Nak said...


I think the big problem about finding a release date is that companies are still dealing with all the delays from last month because of the earthquake. It is also coupled with the fact that the factories to make the CDs aren't running with full power because electricity still isn't back 100% in Eastern Japan. This was part of the reason the new SMAP single is going to be digital only, so they can release it on time and save electricity and money by not producing a physical version of it.

The singles that have been recently announced all seem to have tie-ins which could explain why they would have decided to have Kisumai's debut single pushed back to make room for those singles. There should be at least one week in June that J&A and Avex will feel confident enough that Kisumai will be able to get the #1 for the week.

I would love to see an album release from them already like KAT-TUN but they don't have the same kind of hype and recognition that KAT-TUN did when they debuted so I'm not sure if it would happen. That and with how the economy in Japan is after the disaster it may be seen the better idea to go with something more standard. Besides, even KAT-TUN released a debut single the same time they released that album so I think it's safe to think that no matter what there will be at least a single.

I wish they would mention something about it as well. But since it looks like there isn't much else they can announce to be released in May hopefully it means that we'll be getting June releases soon, and one of those will be for Kisumai.