
05 April 2013

SMAP and Juniors Joy!!

For the theme song of SMAP's Katori Shingo's spring drama, Kasuka no Kanojo, the Juniors that will be in the drama, Morimoto Shintaro, Iwahashi Genki and Jinguji Yuta, will join the group in singing the theme song for the drama. (JE News Daily) The three will sing in the chorus of the song, which is titled Joy!!.

There is no release information for the single, but seeing as this is the second song SMAP has recently announced it is probably safe to assume that they will have a new single in the near future with both songs on it.

I am really happy for the boys, for Genki and Jinguji this will be the first time they are on a CD while of course for Shintaro this is his second after headlining for the Snow Prince Gasshoudan one shot CD release.

I do hope that the song will have a PV that will also include the three, it will make the single a must buy for me as Shintaro has been a Junior favorite for years now and Genki has been growing on me. That and anything SMAP with Juniors tends to be great.

And it would be even better if SMAP could take the trio with them on the music programs to perform the song, but I am sure I am wishing for way too much there. But no harm in dreaming.

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