
17 April 2013

Hey! Say! is there a new single coming?

Hey! Say! JUMP has kicked off their national concert tour over the weekend and reports are saying that they group has new songs that they debuted at them. This includes a new song for each sub-unit, Hey! Say! 7 and Hey! Say! BEST, as well as two other new songs, one being a dance song, the other a ballad.

I think it is safe to say that at this point Come On A My House is not going to be the lead A-side to a new single. If it was it would already be announced that it would be a single song. So instead I think the song will be either a B-side or a second A-side to go with a new song that will be the lead A-side.

After listening to the concert rips of those new songs I feel like they are bound to be B-sides for a new single. HSJ's singles have had a HS7 and HSB song on them for a while now and typically they have two or three B-sides as well. The new songs sound like the kind of songs that HSJ gets as B-sides, which is why I place them both as such.

If we are to get a new single the lead A-side is probably something that has yet to be performed. That is if none of the songs I went over do not end up being the A-side. Either case it looks like HSJ have the right amount of songs now for a new single.

There is actually a good window of time for them to release a single during their tour. There is a break between the final Osaka concert, May 26th, and the first concert in Kagoshima, June 23rd. Arashi has just announced their upcoming single to be released on May 29th so the following dates of June 5th, 12th and 19th are open so far for other Johnny's to release a single. Those three dates are of course the best dates for HSJ to release their next single if it will be before their tour ends. Both the 12th and 19th look to be easy weeks for them to get number one on the charts unless other releases are still to be added to those dates.

If my hunch is right we should know around the end of the month, perhaps the start of next month if we are getting a new HSJ single this summer.


Anonymous said...

Oww, I hope so, I really hope so for a new single. Can't wait !!!! Its been to long of a wait again.

I like there new songs, all of them from what I could tell from the concert audio. I'm really in the need for some new HSJ songs I guess lol

I'm so looking forward to it :))

Thennary Nak said...

I am looking forward to it as well, so I will be majorly disappointed if we do not get a new single.