
24 March 2013


Alright, I feel like I have gone on long enough about Twenty Twenty I need to talk about the thing that truly has me excited, Kis-My-Ft2's triple release next week.

My pre-order from CDJapan has been stuck in "In shipping process" for the past couple of days, I hope this changes later tonight/tomorrow when it is Monday in Japan. And then it is just waiting for it to cross an ocean to get to me. And that wait is going to feel torturous as I really want to have this release in my hands ASAP.

So far I have loved the song previews we have gotten for the single and when I can find the full PVs I will be reviewing them as they both look fun. And the S.O.S. (Smile On Smile) PV looks to be the best yet when it comes to s-My-2 in it. While Ki Su U Ma I -Kiss Your Mind- looks like it will be in the same vein as SHE! HER! HER!, my favorite Kisumai PV yet. I almost regret my decision to pass on getting the LE versions with the PVs, but I stand by my speculation that eventually Avex will release a PV collection for everything because they like to re-release things in a hundred different ways so I will wait for that.

Plus lots of new music from the group. I may not have cared too much for the sound they had right after debuting but the sound they have been moving to after their first album is one I do enjoy. Plus the Kis-My-Zero3 disc will have most of what is left from their Junior days, and I did love most of their songs from that time. In fact one of my favorite pre-debut songs, Kaizoku, will be on the CD and that alone makes me excited for it.

I think the last time I was excited for a new release was NEWS' comeback single. And it is nice to have something to be completely excited for. Especially when the other groups I love do not release regularly and it never feels like it is enough when they do. In a way I feel being a Kisumai fan makes it easier to endure being a fan of those groups as I will never have a time period where there is little to look forward to.

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