
11 March 2013

Johnny's Under 100: Kato Shigeaki

I confess that I kinda forgot about doing this for a bit. But once I remembered I made sure to get things started immediately so from this Monday on this will be a weekly feature. Though it looks like keeping everything just under 100 words is a lot harder than I originally thought it would be.

Kato Shigeaki
Group: NEWS
Birthdate: July 11, 1987

My favorite Johnny’s for many years. I think what drew me to Shige was the fact he was a un-idol-like idol. And it helped that he stood out then by having cut his hair so short.

I have always loved his writing and how he can take some of the most mundane things and turn them into interesting stories.

Currently as someone who aspires to be a professional writer Shige is a great inspiration to me. And his books help motivate me to keep up on my Japanese studying so I can one day read them.

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