
25 February 2013

Figuring things out

So this is just a house cleaning post to help me figure out what I currently want to do with this blog. Nothing major is going to change I just feel like I need to do some refocusing.

The Shounen Club reviews will remain as they currently are, one on Wednesday and another on Friday. I am done with doing the year end/new year programs on Sundays and only have three more Kis-My-Busaiku episodes to review. I will move my Busaiku reviews to Sundays though and will be every other week, as the last episode will air on March 23rd so I need to space the reviews out to accommodate for that. So no review for the show this weekend but next Sunday will be the first review for the 2013 Busaiku episodes.

I want to do more in the way of non-review content and I plan on doing a new project I am calling Johnny's Under 100. This will be every Monday that I will write about a Johnny's in less than 100 words.

Of course when news crops up I will still make posts and do the master posts. And of course when I have the time to watch them I will do drama reviews.

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